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Animation on the Web
As the Web evolves from a static publishing medium to one based more on active media and interactivity, animation is becoming a critical component of Web site design. The demand for animation on Web sites is skyrocketing. That's where Animation on the Web comes in: a thorough guide to everything having to do with Web animation. Learn More
$ 27.99
Essential Flash 4
With Flash 4's slick, fast-loading vector graphics and animation, you can transcend the limits of HTML, building sites as hot as your imagination! Now, learn Flash 4 in a flash from a professional Web designer-through real-world projects you can view live on a linked website. Learn More
$ 20.99
Director 7 Demystified
Macromedia Director is the #1 platform for creating interactive multimedia. Its power and versatility are unmatched, allowing users to merge text, graphics, animation, video, and sounds to create exciting, interactive desktop movies for use in presentations, CD-ROMs, and the Web. Learn More
$ 39.99
Flash 4! Creative Web Animation
All features and tools of Flash 4 covered in great detail, including an introduction to the authoring environment, drawing tools, working with text and sound, using bitmap images, working with symbols and instances, using and managing the libraries, working with layers, animation and interactivity, testing and publishing movies, and project planning and preparation. Learn More
$ 31.99
Flash 4 for Windows and Macintosh
This easy, visual approach to learning Flash takes the reader through the basics of vector drawing to the creation of animated multimedia files for the Web. Using this clear guide, professional Web designers, as well as hobbyists, can find out how to add sophisticated multimedia effects to their Web pages, without having to learn complicated scripting... Learn More
$ 13.29